
Consultation on amendments to the CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme Order 2010


Open Date: 2010-11-17  - Close Date: 2010-12-17

The CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme (CRC) is a new mandatory UK-wide scheme that was brought into law via the CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme Order 2010 (SI 2010/768) (the ‘CRC Order'). The scheme is designed to incentivise large public and private sector organisations to take up cost-effective energy efficiency opportunities through the application of reputational and financial drivers.

This consultation is being undertaken as a result of stakeholder feedback and Government's stated intention to review the operation and design of the scheme. The proposed amendments detailed within this document are primarily focused on extending the introductory phase and postponing the first allowance sale of phase two. This will facilitate future amendments to be made as a result of the broader simplification review. It will also provide participants with an additional year's experience managing compliance and performance within the introductory phase. Other amendments include information disclosures, the treatment of Northern Ireland departments and the updating of a number of references in the original CRC Order.

The consultation has a four week response window in order to provide sufficient time to bring the negative amendment into force prior to the start of the second phase. Government acknowledges the abridged timelines but proposes the available timelines are an appropriate compromise between stakeholder feedback, the relatively straightforward nature of the amendments and the timescales of the Parliamentary process.

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